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[Closed] Issue connecting to manager with a monitor opened

Hello world,

I’m currently writing a tool that automates GI baking, dependencies and stuff with vray for my company.

I’m using the NetRender interface to connect to the manager, then the connect() method, the usual way :

m = NetRender.GetManager()
m.connect #manual "manager_name" platform:#64 port:3234

But, if I want the tool to work, I have to raise a popup specifying the user to close its Render Queue Monitor, because the monitor already has a connection with the manager, 3dsmax throws an error.

** system exception **

Which is not very verbose

I only use the connection to manager to get the server list, for the jobs I use HiddenDosCommand and 3dsmaxcmd.exe, correcting this bug would be the “cerise sur le gâteau”

Is there a way to deal with that ?


8 Replies

You can have as many connections to the manager as you want, e.g. you should be able to open several queue monitors, or define several connections in maxscript.
I’ve tried myself your example, and there’s no errors here, I guess you have another issue with backburner or your network configuration.

bonne chance


I should be able to open as many connections as I want ? That’s good to know

I’m using max 2009 64-bit with backburner 2008.1, is this the same for you ?

Thanks for the advice, I’m looking through the different network settings.

hey, i’ve got the same thing happening here; max2011, backburner 2008.1; i try to simply connect to backburner through ms like so:

	local managerIPorName = "localhost"
	local m = NetRender.GetManager()
	m.connect #manual managerIPorName platform:#default port:3234
 	format "connected: %
" m.connected

 	format "status: %
" m.netStatus

and what i get is this:

-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename:; position: 113; line: 5
--  Frame:
--   managerIPorName: "localhost"
--   m: <MixinInterface:NetManager>
** system exception **

has anyone found the cause of this and/or how to fix it?
or should i just try my luck the cl way?

edit: just noticed… the “Submitting Jobs from a Command Line or Script” is on page 42 of the docs… :bowdown: lol

are you guys using #manual for any particular reason?

Have you tried:

m = NetRender.GetManager()
 m.Connect #automatic ""

Error: no manager found
connected: false
Error: the NetManager is disconnected, or invalid
status: undefined
– allready tried that
– manual connection via UI works fine, but per MS… not :shrug:

I generally use the ip address or the computers name. I’ve found that using local host never works on our network.

 m = netrender.getmanager()
 c1 = m.connect #manual "" -- try using ip address or computer name
if c1 then
	  /* SUBMIT JOB */
	  job = m.newjob() = jobName
	  job.fromFrame = theStartFrame
	  job.toFrame = theEndFrame

the thing is im testing it on my machine (1 pc with backburner running on it), therefore localhost or, problem is also withe IP address i cant connect via script… per UI its working fine :curious:
guess DOS it for me

I would try commenting out the first part of the code and see what happens. It works for me.

--local managerIPorName = "localhost"  --comment this piece out 
 local m = NetRender.GetManager()
 m.Connect #manual "" 
 format "connected: %
" m.connected
  format "status: %
" m.netStatus