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[Closed] Is there a typo?
Aug 26, 2015 5:14 pm
here is a piece from my code:
rollout NightmareSaverGUI "Nightmare Saver" width:980 height:600 (
label __fileBaseTxt "File Name:" pos:[710,10]
edittext __fileBase "" pos:[706,30] width:240 height:20
on __fileBase entered arg do (
print "it works!"
)createDialog NightmareSaverGUI
I don’t know why it prints out only on closing the rollout. Is there a typo or sth I don’t see?
3 Replies
Aug 26, 2015 5:14 pm
If you specify a height greater than 17 for an edittext control, it work in multi-line mode.
If you want it to be single line, then do not specify its height.