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[Closed] Is it possible to select arbitrary FFD control points?

I have a box with applied FFD 3x3x3.
Run a script. Control points 1,3,5,7 are selected, so, I can use the Gizmo to move it(without selecting them one by one in the viewport).
Is it possible?

4 Replies

no! i couldn’t find any way to select (or get selection of FFD gizmo points) via mxs, therefore i wrote a c++/SDK script extension.

I found the code below(I modified it a little) in this forum, which shows the indexes of the selected FFD control points.

So, the solution is to abandon the idea.

 	-- usage:
   -- <array>getSelectedCPs <ffdModifier>
   -- output array contains selected control points as <int>index for each CP
 	function GetSelectedFFDCPs _FFDmod =
 		-- defines
 		WM_SETFOCUS = 0x007
 		-- back up some stuff we'll be changing
 		oldCommandMode = toolmode.commandmode
 		cmdPanelMode = getCommandPanelTaskMode()
 		modPanelObj = modpanel.getCurrentObject()
 		oldSubObjectLevel = subObjectLevel
 		oldModEnabledInViews = _FFDmod.enabledInViews
 		-- disable the modifier in viewports to speed up some calculations
 		_FFDmod.enabledInViews = false	 
 		-- let's collect all the control points' current positions
 		theMaster = _FFDmod[#master]
 		theCount = theMaster.numsubs
 		animateAll _FFDmod
 		curPositions = for i = 1 to theCount where theMaster[i].value != undefiend collect theMaster[i].value			
 		-- go into modify mode
 		setCommandPanelTaskMode #modify	 
 		-- select the modifier
 		modpanel.setCurrentObject _FFDmod	 
 		-- go to the control point sub-object level
 		subObjectLevel = 1	 
 		-- change to move mode
 		toolmode.commandmode = #move	 
 		-- open the transform type-in dialog
 		max tti		
 		-- find the tti dialog
 		local desktopHWND = windows.getDesktopHWND()
 		local desktopChildren = windows.getChildrenHWND desktopHWND
 		local tti
 		for child in desktopChildren do 
 			if (child[5] == "Move Transform Type-In") do 
 				tti = child
 		if (tti == undefined) do ( return false )	   
 		-- get the tti's handle
 		local ttiHWND = tti[1]		  
 		-- get its children
 		local ttiChildren = windows.getChildrenHWND ttiHWND		  
 		-- set focus to the X Offset custedit control
 		UIAccessor.sendMessage ttiChildren[10][1] WM_SETFOCUS 0 0
 		-- change its value via the proper edit control - let's just offset by 1.0 unit
 		UIAccessor.setWindowText ttiChildren[12][1] "1.0"
 		-- now set focus to the Y offset custedit control
 		UIAccessor.sendMessage ttiChildren[13][1] WM_SETFOCUS 0 0	 
 		-- now, let's collect the new positions.
 		newPositions = for i = 1 to theCount where theMaster[i].value != undefiend collect theMaster[i].value				
 		-- set focus to the X Offset custedit control
 		UIAccessor.sendMessage ttiChildren[10][1] WM_SETFOCUS 0 0
 		-- change its value via the proper edit control - move the control points back 1.0 unit
 		UIAccessor.setWindowText ttiChildren[12][1] "-1.0"
 		-- now set focus to the Y offset custedit control
 		UIAccessor.sendMessage ttiChildren[13][1] WM_SETFOCUS 0 0		
 		-- close that tti dialog
 		UIAccessor.CloseDialog ttiHWND
 		-- now let's figure out what the difference between the two arrays is
 		selectedCPs = for i = 1 to curPositions.count where (curPositions[i] != newPositions[i]) collect i	 
 		-- restore stuff
 		_FFDmod.enabledInViews = oldModEnabledInViews
 		setCommandPanelTaskMode cmdPanelMode
 		if (modPanelObj != undefined) do
 			modpanel.setCurrentObject modPanelObj
 		if (oldSubObjectLevel != undefined) do
 			subObjectLevel = oldSubObjectLevel
 		toolmode.commandmode = oldCommandMode
 	selCP = GetSelectedFFDCPs selection[1].modifiers[1]
 	format "selCP: % 
" selCP	

If you are using a ffd modifier over top the box click the animate all button and this will enable all the control points tracks. Then you can grab each point with this code.


You’ll have to manually set a key on all points to enable the tracks for the ffd gizmos.


I know this, but the goal is to select some of the control points via script, not by hand.