[Closed] Is it possible To Create and Edit Output Map Curve?
from MXS help:
<texturemap.output>.Mono_Color_Map subAnim
[left]The Mono_Color_Map SubAnim contains the monochrome color mapping curve. You cannot create this curve in MAXScript, or access this curve unless you first turn on the Enable Color Map checkbox in the user interface.
But if you really want to do it you can!
Can you animate Output Map Curve points? to be continued…
the code was removed for revision…
Thanks for looking into this denisT. I will keep watching this to see what else you find out.
we can animate points now:
[b]and it’s pure MXS!
[/b]the code was removed for revision…
here is a cleaned up version… using mxs only it creates animated output color map curve.
try(destroydialog easyCCurve) catch()
rollout easyCCurve "Easy CCurve" width:208 height:215
fn mouseWindowMove hwnd x y sx sy =
fn makeParam LoWord HiWord =
bit.or (bit.shift HiWord 16) (bit.and LoWord 0xFFFF)
MK_LBUTTON = 0x0001
p0 = makeParam x y
p1 = makeParam (x+sx) (y+sy)
uiaccessor.sendmessage hwnd WM_LBUTTONDOWN 0 p0
uiaccessor.sendmessage hwnd WM_MOUSEMOVE MK_LBUTTON p1
uiaccessor.sendmessage hwnd WM_LBUTTONUP 0 p1
curveControl cc numcurves:1 width:200 height:200 pos:[4,4] \
zoomvalues:[200,100] scrollvalues:[4,2] uiFlags:#() rcmFlags:#()
createdialog easyCCurve pos:[-1000,300] style:#()
with redraw off
d_hwnd = (windows.getChildHWND 0 easyCCurve.title)[1]
c_hwnd = for w in (windows.getChildrenHWND d_hwnd) where w[4] == "DefCurveWindow" do exit with w[1]
cc = easyCCurve.cc.curves[1]
cc.color = orange
cc.numpoints = 3
pp = easyCCurve.cc.curves[1].points
pp.selected = on
pp[2].value = [1,0]
pp[1].outtangent = [1,0]
slidertime = 100
undo off
animate on easyCCurve.mouseWindowMove c_hwnd 0 100 0 10
for k=1 to cc.numpoints do
-- format "%: % %
" k cc[k] cc[k].controller
deletekeys cc[k].controller #allkeys
slidertime = 0
pp.value = [0,0]
pp.selected = off
-- Edit Curve Points
pp[1].outtangent = [0,0]
pp[3].value = [1,0]
pp[2].value = [0.25,0.25]
pp[2].outtangent = [0.2,0]
pp[2].intangent = [-0.2,0]
-- Animate Curve Point 2
animate on at time 100 pp[2].value = [0.75,0.75]
-- Make Output Map
outputmap = output name:"ccOutput"
medit.PutMtlToMtlEditor outputmap 1
medit.SetActiveMtlSlot 1 on
-- Init Mono_Color_Map
c = windows.getchildhwnd (windows.getchildhwnd 0 ("Material Editor - " + outputmap.name))[1] "Enable Color Map"
UIAccessor.SendMessage c[1] BM_SETCHECKED 1 0
UIAccessor.PressButton c[1]
-- Replace Curve
replaceinstances outputmap.output.Mono_Color_Map.curve_1 easyCCurve.cc.curves[1][1].parent
medit.SetActiveMtlSlot 1 on
destroydialog easyCCurve
free easyCCurve
is this version specific?
Not working for me on max2009
exception on the replaceInstances line due to easyCCurve.cc.curves[1][1].parent being undefined (only .parent is undefined, easyCCurve.cc.curves[1][1] is defined)
replace in my sample couple lines:
-- Replace Curve
ref_target = (refs.dependents easyCCurve.cc.curves[1])[1][1] -- easyCCurve.cc.curves[1][1].parent
replaceinstances outputmap.output.Mono_Color_Map.curve_1 ref_target
it has to work for max 2009
Wow man! That is awesome!!!
Out of curiosity, is there any way to access the value of the curve once you move it from easyCurve over to the Output Map using curveControl methods?
getValue meditMaterials[3].output[#mono_color_map].curve_1 0 .5 returns
– No “getValue” function for ReferenceTarget:Curve
Anyway, thanks for the code! That’s a big help
curvecontrol methods doesn’t work for output map. but you can bring the output curve back into a curvecotrol and get full access.
sure enough, that works! thanks.
I have only one small suggestion which is to use a negative value in the Y of the created easyCCurve rollout. I have two monitors, and max window is located on the right one, so I get the rollout popping up for a second on the left monitor (at coordinate [-1000,300] relative to max window).
move the curve’s rollout anywhere. it’s not a problem… i’m looking for some way of the virtual drawing dialog without its popping-up. technically it’s possible to create a dialog, activate, but not draw.