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[Closed] Iray maxscript access?

I want to access Iray advanced parameters like Material Override but there is no docuumentation about it and nothing show up in the maxscript listener.

12 Replies

Hi Loran,

You could try “show renderers.current” (show is short for showproperties). It will give you this:

show renderers.current
.durationInSeconds : integer
.durationPasses : integer
.durationMode : enum
.displacementView : boolean
.displacementSmoothing : boolean
.displacementEdgeLength : float
.displacementMaximum : float
.displacementSubdivisionLevel : integer
.overrideMaterialEnabled : boolean
.overrideMaterial : material
.lightBouncesLimited : boolean
.lightBouncesMaximum : integer
.imageFilterType : enum
.imageFilterWidth : float
.hardwareReport : string
.version : string

So renderers.current.overrideMaterialEnabled would get/set the Material Override.

Note: setting the value doesn’t update the renderer interface (yet).

Don’t forget that any changes to the render scene dialog need to be done with it closed or else they wont stick.

Thank you!

renderscenedialog.update() to update render dialog changes

Hey loran, I saw a guy asking for multiple gpu support and I started to take a look at your script… and ended up re-writing almost all of it I hope you don’t mind, I tagged it as v1.2. it supports up to 4 GPU’s and the user can deselect the GPU 1 (which is the system gpu) and leave only the other’s doing the work… at least that’s the theory behind it

Hope you dont mind, cheers!


	rollout MR_rollout ":: IRay manager ::" 
		global systinf = sysinfo.cpucount
		local m = mental_ray_string_options
		local lsitem = 1

		label hh "::   I R A Y  M A N A G E R  1.2 ::"	 align:#center
		group ""
			label h0a "Set Iray Renderer and"	align:#left offset:[3,0]
			label h0b "MentalRay Material Editor" align:#left offset:[3,-5]
			button rdr "SETUP IRAY"width:172 height:30 offset:[0,0]
		checkbutton chkCPU "CPU" checked:true width:80 offset:[-47,0] 
		checkbutton chkGPU "GPU" checked:true width:80 offset:[45,-26]

		group ""
			label h1 " Choose the GPU's you want to use"align:#left 
			label h2 " and the number of CPU threads" align:#left offset:[0,-5]
			multilistbox lstGPU "GPU" items:#("GPU 1","GPU 2","GPU 3", "GPU 4") selection:#(1) height:4 across:2
			spinner corenumb "CPU:" range:[1,systinf,systinf] type:#integer fieldwidth:30  

		checkbox chkCLAY "CLAY RENDER"  checked:false offset:[40,10]
		button rdr2 "Render Active View" width:162 height:40 offset:[-1,10]

		hyperlink hl "::::: L o r a N // 2010 :::::" address:""   color:(color 50 150 255) 
hoverColor:(color 50 150 255) visitedColor:(color 50 150 255) align:#center offset:[0,10]

		fn setIrayOptions =
			if chkCPU.state == true then
				print "CPU Enabled"
				m.addoption "iray threads" corenumb.value
				print "CPU Disabled"
				m.addoption "iray threads" 0
			if chkGPU.state == true then
				print "GPU Enabled"
				sdevs = ""
				gdevs = lstgpu.selection as array
				--for i=0 to lstGPU.items.count-1 do print 
				for i=1 to gdevs.count do
					sdevs+=(gdevs[i]-1) as string
					if i!=gdevs.count then sdevs+=" "
				mental_ray_string_options.addoption "iray devices" sdevs
				print "GPU Disabled"
				mental_ray_string_options.addoption "iray devices" ""

		on MR_rollout open do
		--IRAY RENDERER + MR Material Editor--
		on rdr pressed do
			local rdso = false
			if RenderSceneDialog.isOpen() then 
				rdso = true
			renderers.medit_locked = false
			ir =mental_ray_iray_Renderer()
			renderers.current = ir	
			renderers.medit = mr
			if rdso == true then renderSceneDialog.Open()
		on rdr2 pressed do
			max quick render
		on chkCPU changed state do
			if chkGPU.state != false then
			) else chkCPU.state = true
		on chkGPU changed state do
			if chkCPU.state != false then
			) else chkGPU.state = true
		on corenumb changed value do setIrayOptions()
		on lstGPU selected val do
			tt=lstgpu.selection as array
		on lstGPU selectionEnd do
			if lstGPU.selection.isEmpty then lstGPU.selection=lsitem

		on chkCLAY changed theState do
			if theState then
				claymat= Arch___Design__mi() = "Clay Override"
				claymat.diff_color = color 255 255 255
				claymat.refl_weight =  0
				renderers.current.overrideMaterialEnabled = true
				renderers.current.overrideMaterial = claymat
				renderers.current.overrideMaterialEnabled = false

	createDialog MR_rollout 200 420

Thanks loran! But it seems the link still points out to version 1.1

Did you like the rewrote?

link is corrected now. Yes, I didn’t check the way you rewrote, just give a quick try to it and see it works fine
thank you again man. I think this is a usefull toolset for every Iray users

Yeah, I’m already using it in a project

iray Manager v1.3 is out! check it out at :

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