[Closed] Invisible progressbar and bounding box
When I run my script in heavy scenes the progressbar does not show that it is updating. I know it is because I can watch it move in simple scenes, how can I force the progressbar to be drawn during heavy calculations. I am having difficulty finding info for the bounding box of an object and its scale – I don’t want the $.scale values but the real scale values. For example I make two spheres that have a radius of ten. I scale on up so to the size of a sphere with a 30 radius. when I check the scale for both I get [1,1,1] for both and a radius of 10 for both. Any help would be great.
This is, as far as I can tell, a Windows problem and not a MAXScript problem. Windows XP assumes that a heavily busy Max is actually “Not Responding” and does not update UIs related to it. In the past (W2K and earlier), all UIs were updated correctly no matter how heavy the calculations were…
I haven’t found a solution yet, short of using the progressStart/ progressUpdate/ progressEnd functions which of course hides all floaters and dialogs…
I am having difficulty finding info for the bounding box of an object and its scale – I don’t want the $.scale values but the real scale values. For example I make two spheres that have a radius of ten. I scale on up so to the size of a sphere with a 30 radius. when I check the scale for both I get [1,1,1] for both and a radius of 10 for both. Any help would be great.
How do you scale the second sphere? Could you post the code you are using? There are many ways to skin a cat (scale a sphere) in Max and it would be helpful to know your exact steps… Also, can you explain what “Real Scale Values” are?