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[Closed] Intersection between vectors – proper method?

I use this code to detect if two vectors intersect:

    function VectorVectorIntersect pA a pB b =
        local c = pB - pA
        local cross1 = cross a b
        local cross2 = cross c b
        pA + ( a*( (dot cross2 cross1)/((length cross1)^2) ) )
    --    "should not intersect"    
    pos01 = [-105.389,-10.7784,0]
    pos02 = [-151.377,-5.98802,0]
    pos03 = [-117.844,-39.521,0]    
    --    "should intersect"
--     pos01 = [-151.377,-5.98802,0]
--     pos02 = [-117.844,-39.521,0]
--     pos03 = [-110.659,-73.0539,0]
    vect1 = normalize (pos03 - pos02)
    vect2 = normalize (pos02 - pos01)
    --    "get perpendicular vectors"
    perpVect1 = normalize (cross vect1 [0,0,1])
    perpVect2 = normalize (cross vect2 [0,0,1])
    crossPoint = VectorVectorIntersect pos03 perpVect1 pos01 perpVect2
    tmpMat = matrixFromNormal perpVect1
    translate tmpMat pos03
    if (crossPoint * inverse tmpMat).z > 0 then
        print "intersect"
        print "not intersect"    

Is there any smarter method?

23 Replies

Two previous questions:

  • Are you talking about segment intersection or line (‘infinite segment’) intersection?
  • Are you talking about 2D segments (in the same plane, XY in your example) or 3D segments?
    Edit: third additional question:
  • Do you need the intersection point or just to know if they intersect?

Wait! How do you define 2 vectors with 3 points? I don’t understand your input data, sorry.

This is a fast algorithm to check 2D segment intersection, but I really don’t know if it’s what you are asking for.

  • Doesn’t gives the intersection point
  • Total or partial overlapping of segments gives a result of FALSE
  • Segments are defined by their start/end points

      function FastSegmentIntersection p1  p2  p3  p4 =
      a = p2 - p1;
      b = p3 - p4;
      c = p1 - p3;
      alphaNumerator = b.y * c.x - b.x * c.y;
      betaNumerator = a.x * c.y - a.y * c.x;
      Denominator = a.y * b.x - a.x * b.y;

      if (Denominator == 0) then
         return false;
         if (Denominator > 0) then
            if (alphaNumerator < 0 or alphaNumerator > Denominator or betaNumerator < 0 or betaNumerator > Denominator) then
               return false;
         else if (alphaNumerator > 0 or alphaNumerator < Denominator or betaNumerator > 0 or betaNumerator < Denominator) then
            return false;
      return true;

1- No. Vectors.
2- vectors are in 2D plane.
3- i need to know if both vectors intersects.
4- i define vect1 by two points. Then i find perpendicular vector to vect1. The same happens with vect2. And finally I need to know if perpVect1 and perpVect2
intersects. Please see this image. I hope that it will explain what i need and what i mean by vector intersection

From top to bottom: intersection, no intersection, no intersection.

Sorry for the image, but i don’t t have access to a PC.

can you reupload or give permission to googledisk?

I can’t see the image either (but vectors don’t intersect eachother).

Oh! I see…
Always in the XY plane, or in any plane ( ortogonal to XYZ or not)?

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In any plane. The 3 points that I use are in one plane, so its orientation is not important(i think).

If vec1 and vector defined by p1 and intersection point are co-directional and If vec2 and vector defined by p2 and intersection point are co-directional then vectors intersect

fn vecVecIntersect p1 vec1 p2 vec2 = (

    if (abs (dot vec1 vec2)) > (1.0 - 0.0001) then (
        false -- are parallel
    ) else (

        vec3 = p2 - p1
        c1 = cross vec1 vec2
        c2 = cross vec3 vec2
        intersectionPoint = p1 + vec1 * ( (dot c2 c1)/((length c1)^2) )
        dot vec1 (intersectionPoint - p1) > 0 and dot vec2 (intersectionPoint - p2) > 0

Can’t improve it in performance.

Just one caution: Sergey’s parallel test is only valid if input vectors are normalized.
You can use “if (abs (length (cross vec1 vec2))) < Error do return false” that is always valid -but slower- so you don’t have to normalize anything (vect1, vect2, perpVect1, perpVect2).
Note: both ‘normalize’ in last Sergey’s code line are not needed but doesn’t affect performance very much.

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