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[Closed] Instance multiple objects
Jan 10, 2007 5:10 pm
Im quite new at max script. we are using RTRE and need to light several objects so i am trying to merge in a light dome and then instance over and align objects to this light dome…once the lighting is complete delete all the instanced objects…
i have managed various elements of this in a fashion but its all a little messy…i got it working fro one object but then when i tried to do it for several it fell apart…
heres where im up to now
macroScript deleteinstance Category:"tools" toolTip:"delete instance"
delete $tempinstance*
macroScript makedome Category:"tools" toolTip:"Make Dome"
thecopypastedir = getdir #scripts
thecopypastefile = "\RTRE_LDOME.max"
thecopypastestring = thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile
mergemaxfile (thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile) #select
macroScript deletedome Category:"tools" toolTip:"delete Dome"
delete $EL*
macroScript align Category:"tools" toolTip:"align"
cs = getcurrentselection()
cscount = cs.count
for i = 1 to csamount do
newobject = instance selection[i] = "tempinstance"[i]
newobject.pos.x = $el_dome.pos.x
newobject.pos.y = $el_dome.pos.y
thanks in advance for you help