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[Closed] Input for backburner submit dialog?

I would like to sent two values to the backburner submit dialog, the render job name and the job priority. That’s all, the rest should be done manually as usual. I preferably don’t want to mess with the queue control or anything.

What would be the best way to do this?


8 Replies

I was looking into doing something similar earlier this year, and as far as I can tell, Maxscript doesn’t expose the backburner submission dialog. I ended up basically rebuilding the dialog from scratch which of course does involve all that net code. Sorry.

You’ll want to check out “NetRender Interface” in the maxScript help…

You don’t need to mess with the queue control. I’ve found it’s not required to have control to submit jobs.

Thanks for your replies.
I did check the manual already but I can’t really see how to submit a job name and priority to the BBdialog with the information in the docs.

My “starting point” is that the user hits “render” in the render scene dialog or the “max quick render” command. I want to access
the job that got created through that action and then I want to change name and priority before the Backburner Dialog opens.

How can I get to exactly that job (which I didn’t create through coding)?


the most basic submittal script I can write…

just change the ManagerName var to be the name of your manager…
and of course the name and priority…

When you have every thing set the way you like it… run this and it’ll put the job in the queue… look at the help for more options on the JOB values…

I keep an open connection to the queue to make multiple submissions faster…

You’re not going to be able to utilize the standard max submittal dialog…

 global NM
 if (classof NM != MixinInterface) then
 	local ManagerName = "YourManagersComputerName"
 	local ManagerPort = 3234
 	NM = netrender.getmanager()
 	NM.connect #manual ManagerName port:ManagerPort
 if NM.connected == true then
 	JOB = NM.newjob() = "NameOfTheJob"
 	JOB.priority = 50
 	JOB.submit() --this uses all servers for the job
 	messagebox "Manager not found!"

Hi Keith,
thanks for you answer.
But my question is a different one: I want to access the normal BB Dialog through mxs! Sorry if I wasn’t clear about that. I don’t want to sent a job directly because I need the functionality of selecting specific servers for the render job.

But as far as I see it now, it is impossible to get values into the BB dialog?! So I might start to write my own dialog but I actually wanted to avoid that.


can’t access it in any meaningful way for what you’d need – you can ‘access’ the dialog, push buttons, check checkboxes, even change the server selection list – but you can’t get the actual names of the servers in that list to know which to check; there might be some correspondending factor between that list and the list you can get with maxscript – but at that point you might as well write your own submission dialog

Yeah, I think many of us have written at LEAST one submittal dialog… it a great learning experience into the world of BackBurner… I promise you’ll be annoyed, frustrated and them feel victorious… right out of the gate I can tell you to not expect the groups functions to work in max 9… good luck, if you need help we’re here…

This one is about my tenth or so I’ve written…

Thanks for the input for the submitter dialog. I think I will try to avoid writing my own dialog as long as I can… The standards dialog works actually fine for us except of some “small” but annoying details.

Anyhow, it is always good to have an active forum to turn to! Thanks guys!