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[Closed] Input and Outputparameter of Functions

I have written an extended function in Visual Studio with the Max SDK, which calculates the collisons of the program. And now I have two problems. I have made a function which should call my function. This function gets the parameter of maxscript. It’s the following:

def_visible_primitive(Collision, “Collision”);
Value* Collision_cf(Value** arg_list, int count)
type_check(arg_list[0], Array,”[animation_paths]);
type_check(arg_list[1], Array, “[radius]);

 Array* animation_paths = static_cast<Array*>(arg_list[0]);
 Array* radius = static_cast<Array*>(arg_list[1]);

This is the begin of my function. My problem now is that the animation_paths array is a two dimensional array and I want that this will be from type Point3. Is this possible? In maxscript I get the animation_paths and save them into a two dimensional array. Is this array from type point3?
The radius arry should be a two dimensional array of type float.
How can I code this? That I have the right types instead of the type Array*.

My second problem is that I want to give back 2 two-dimensional arrays to maxscript. How can that be done. Now it gives back a value from type Value*. Or does maxscript gives only pointer instead of the arrays so that the arrays are automatically changed?

Thanks a lot