[Closed] Inherit Parent Script problem
Hi, Guys,
I have been following cgtalk for quite a while and feel bad that my first post is asking for help rather than contributing but none the less i have problem with a script i have been working on.
I have been trying very hard and spending a lot of time to get mxs down but this problem has got me stumped. One part of my script simply turns off and on (per axis) the parent inherits, now i have had it about a quarter working (i no that make no sense) so i thought after much hair pulling i would post it here to see what you guys can come up with i sure its something simple as it all looks ok to me.
Right click save as
you can download the script here
I have commented the parts that i think were the problem(s) are…
Thanks in advance guys
The first big problem was that you were wiping ‘ckboxarray’ every time a ‘rotAp’, ‘scaAp’ or ‘moveAp’ button was pressed so you weren’t able to check if the boxes were checked or not.
I fixed this however you’d notice that since you weren’t collecting the current state of the inheritance bit array it kept wiping all the other inheritance flags. I created a ‘getCurrInheritance’ function that collects the current inheritance state for a specific set of transforms #(#move, #rotate, #scale) – it’s at the top of the script.
Also I noticed that each of the apply buttons contained a lot of code duplication (which is bad) so I’ve also included a version with a rollout function that will handle all three apply buttons.
So below is the fixed version of your implementation:
function getCurrInheritance inputNode getTranforms:#(#move, #rotate, #scale) =
local allInheritance = (getInheritanceFlags inputNode);
local returnInheritance = #{}
if (findItem getTranforms #move) != 0 then
returnInheritance += (allInheritance - #{4..9});
if (findItem getTranforms #rotate) != 0 then
returnInheritance += (allInheritance - #{1..3, 7..9});
if (findItem getTranforms #scale) != 0 then
returnInheritance += (allInheritance - #{1..6});
return returnInheritance;
rollout aniTool "Animation Helper" width:160 height:616
groupBox grbx1 "Animation Controls" pos:[8,32] width:144 height:104
button keyAll "Key All" pos:[16,104] width:56 height:24
button delKey "Del Key" pos:[88,104] width:56 height:24
dropDownList axisSel "Orientation" pos:[16,56] width:128 height:40
label lbl1 " Animation Helper" pos:[8,8] width:144 height:16
groupBox grbx2 "Position" pos:[8,144] width:144 height:112
button posX "X" pos:[16,184] width:24 height:24
label lbl2 "Key" pos:[16,168] width:24 height:16
button posY "Y" pos:[48,184] width:24 height:24
button posZ "Z" pos:[80,184] width:24 height:24
button posAll "All" pos:[112,184] width:32 height:24
label lbl3 "Inherit" pos:[16,216] width:40 height:16
checkbox InPosX "X" pos:[16,232] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InPosY "Y" pos:[48,232] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InPosZ "Z" pos:[80,232] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InposAll "All" pos:[112,232] width:32 height:16 checked:true
groupBox grbx3 "Rotation" pos:[8,264] width:144 height:112
button rotX "X" pos:[16,304] width:24 height:24
label lbl6 "Key" pos:[16,288] width:24 height:16
button rotY "Y" pos:[48,304] width:24 height:24
button rotZ "Z" pos:[80,304] width:24 height:24
button rotAll "All" pos:[112,304] width:32 height:24
label lbl7 "Inherit" pos:[16,336] width:40 height:16
checkbox InRotX "X" pos:[16,352] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InRotY "Y" pos:[48,352] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InRotZ "Z" pos:[80,352] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InRotAll "All" pos:[112,352] width:32 height:16 checked:true
groupBox grbx4 "Scale" pos:[8,384] width:144 height:112
label lbl8 "Key" pos:[16,408] width:24 height:16
button scaZ "Z" pos:[16,424] width:24 height:24
button scaAll "All" pos:[112,424] width:32 height:24
label lbl9 "Inherit" pos:[16,456] width:40 height:16
checkbox InScaX "X" pos:[16,472] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InScaY "Y" pos:[48,472] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InScaZ "Z" pos:[80,472] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InScaAll "All" pos:[112,472] width:32 height:16 checked:true
groupBox grbx5 "Set Inherits" pos:[7,504] width:144 height:48
button moveAp "Move" pos:[16,520] width:32 height:24
button rotAp "Rot" pos:[64,520] width:32 height:24
button scaAp "Scale" pos:[112,520] width:32 height:24
on keyAll pressed do
max set key all postion rotation and scale
on delKey pressed do
max set key clear
--Position Key Buttons
on posX pressed do
max set key all x position
on posY pressed do
max set key all y position
on posZ pressed do
max set key all z position
on posAlzl pressed do
max set key all position
--Rotation Key Buttons
on rotX pressed do
max set key all x rotation
on rotY pressed do
max set key all y rotation
on rotZ pressed do
max set key all z rotation
on rotAll pressed do
max set key all rotation
--Scale Key Buttons
on scaZ pressed do
max set key all z scale
on scaAll pressed do
max set key all scale
--Inherit Checkboxes
local ckboxarray = #(InPosX,InPosY,InPosZ,InRotX,InRotY,InRotZ,InScaX,InScaY,InScaZ)
on InPosAll changed thestate do
if InPosAll.checked == true then
(for i = 1 to 3 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = true))
(for i = 1 to 3 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = false))
on InRotAll changed thestate do
if InRotAll.checked == true then
(for i = 4 to 6 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = true))
(for i = 4 to 6 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = false))
on InScaAll changed thestate do
if InScaAll.checked == true then
(for i = 7 to 9 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = true))
(for i = 7 to 9 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = false))
-- Applys Checkbox Settings
on moveAp pressed do
local moveInheritance = #{}
for i = 1 to 3 do
if ckboxarray[i].checked == true do (moveInheritance += #{i})
for x in selection as array do
local inheritanceFlags = ((getCurrInheritance x getTranforms:#(#rotate, #scale)) + moveInheritance)
setinheritanceflags x (inheritanceFlags as bitarray)
on rotAp pressed do
local rotateInheritance = #{}
for i = 4 to 6 do
if ckboxarray[i].checked == true do (rotateInheritance += #{i})
for x in selection as array do
local inheritanceFlags = ((getCurrInheritance x getTranforms:#(#move, #scale)) + rotateInheritance)
setinheritanceflags x (inheritanceFlags as bitarray)
on scaAp pressed do
local scaleInheritance = #{}
for i = 7 to 9 do
if ckboxarray[i].checked == true do (scaleInheritance += #{i})
for x in selection as array do
local inheritanceFlags = ((getCurrInheritance x getTranforms:#(#move, #rotate)) + scaleInheritance)
setinheritanceflags x (inheritanceFlags as bitarray)
createDialog aniTool 160 616
And below is with the improved function:
function getCurrInheritance inputNode getTranforms:#(#move, #rotate, #scale) =
local allInheritance = (getInheritanceFlags inputNode);
local returnInheritance = #{}
if (findItem getTranforms #move) != 0 then
returnInheritance += (allInheritance - #{4..9});
if (findItem getTranforms #rotate) != 0 then
returnInheritance += (allInheritance - #{1..3, 7..9});
if (findItem getTranforms #scale) != 0 then
returnInheritance += (allInheritance - #{1..6});
return returnInheritance;
rollout aniTool "Animation Helper" width:160 height:616
groupBox grbx1 "Animation Controls" pos:[8,32] width:144 height:104
button keyAll "Key All" pos:[16,104] width:56 height:24
button delKey "Del Key" pos:[88,104] width:56 height:24
dropDownList axisSel "Orientation" pos:[16,56] width:128 height:40
label lbl1 " Animation Helper" pos:[8,8] width:144 height:16
groupBox grbx2 "Position" pos:[8,144] width:144 height:112
button posX "X" pos:[16,184] width:24 height:24
label lbl2 "Key" pos:[16,168] width:24 height:16
button posY "Y" pos:[48,184] width:24 height:24
button posZ "Z" pos:[80,184] width:24 height:24
button posAll "All" pos:[112,184] width:32 height:24
label lbl3 "Inherit" pos:[16,216] width:40 height:16
checkbox InPosX "X" pos:[16,232] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InPosY "Y" pos:[48,232] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InPosZ "Z" pos:[80,232] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InposAll "All" pos:[112,232] width:32 height:16 checked:true
groupBox grbx3 "Rotation" pos:[8,264] width:144 height:112
button rotX "X" pos:[16,304] width:24 height:24
label lbl6 "Key" pos:[16,288] width:24 height:16
button rotY "Y" pos:[48,304] width:24 height:24
button rotZ "Z" pos:[80,304] width:24 height:24
button rotAll "All" pos:[112,304] width:32 height:24
label lbl7 "Inherit" pos:[16,336] width:40 height:16
checkbox InRotX "X" pos:[16,352] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InRotY "Y" pos:[48,352] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InRotZ "Z" pos:[80,352] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InRotAll "All" pos:[112,352] width:32 height:16 checked:true
groupBox grbx4 "Scale" pos:[8,384] width:144 height:112
label lbl8 "Key" pos:[16,408] width:24 height:16
button scaZ "Z" pos:[16,424] width:24 height:24
button scaAll "All" pos:[112,424] width:32 height:24
label lbl9 "Inherit" pos:[16,456] width:40 height:16
checkbox InScaX "X" pos:[16,472] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InScaY "Y" pos:[48,472] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InScaZ "Z" pos:[80,472] width:32 height:16 checked:true
checkbox InScaAll "All" pos:[112,472] width:32 height:16 checked:true
groupBox grbx5 "Set Inherits" pos:[7,504] width:144 height:48
button moveAp "Move" pos:[16,520] width:32 height:24
button rotAp "Rot" pos:[64,520] width:32 height:24
button scaAp "Scale" pos:[112,520] width:32 height:24
on keyAll pressed do
max set key all postion rotation and scale
on delKey pressed do
max set key clear
--Position Key Buttons
on posX pressed do
max set key all x position
on posY pressed do
max set key all y position
on posZ pressed do
max set key all z position
on posAlzl pressed do
max set key all position
--Rotation Key Buttons
on rotX pressed do
max set key all x rotation
on rotY pressed do
max set key all y rotation
on rotZ pressed do
max set key all z rotation
on rotAll pressed do
max set key all rotation
--Scale Key Buttons
on scaZ pressed do
max set key all z scale
on scaAll pressed do
max set key all scale
--Inherit Checkboxes
local ckboxarray = #(InPosX,InPosY,InPosZ,InRotX,InRotY,InRotZ,InScaX,InScaY,InScaZ)
on InPosAll changed thestate do
if InPosAll.checked == true then
(for i = 1 to 3 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = true))
(for i = 1 to 3 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = false))
on InRotAll changed thestate do
if InRotAll.checked == true then
(for i = 4 to 6 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = true))
(for i = 4 to 6 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = false))
on InScaAll changed thestate do
if InScaAll.checked == true then
(for i = 7 to 9 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = true))
(for i = 7 to 9 do (ckboxarray[i].checked = false))
-- Applys Checkbox Settings
function applyInheritance inputType =
local loopInts
local collectInheritance
local addInheritance = #{}
if inputType == #move then
loopInts = #(1,3);
collectInheritance = #(#rotate, #scale);
if inputType == #rotate then
loopInts = #(4,6);
collectInheritance = #(#move, #scale);
if inputType == #scale then
loopInts = #(7,9);
collectInheritance = #(#move, #rotate);
for i = loopInts[1] to loopInts[2] do
if ckboxarray[i].checked == true do (addInheritance += #{i})
for x in selection as array do
local inheritanceFlags = ((getCurrInheritance x getTranforms:collectInheritance) + addInheritance)
setinheritanceflags x (inheritanceFlags as bitarray)
on moveAp pressed do applyInheritance #move;
on rotAp pressed do applyInheritance #rotate;
on scaAp pressed do applyInheritance #scale;
createDialog aniTool 160 616
As I side note I see your from Australia, where abouts are you?
wow thanks, and i thought it would be a simple fix! well you never no… So much more to learn… and im from good ol Sydney
and thanks heaps again…