[Closed] Image strips stitching with MaxScript?
Hello, I have a “slight” problem with stitching rendered strips. For some reason the renderfarm I used to render my image (8x5k) didint stitch the strips (suposedly because of render elemens …). Now i’m stuck with over 400 strips (render passes and main pass all in 40 strips TGA’s).
My question is: is it possible tu run the stitch pass only locally in backburner?
Or use maxscript/3dstudiocmd to stitch them all back together?
Thank You, hope i chose the right forum for this question.
It’s not possible to create a stitching pass seperately. But what you can do is, submit the job to backburner again, delete the first job and try forcing the stitching pass to run. This sometimes works…
Or else you can write your own stitcher using Getpixels and SetPixels, you just have to work out the offset and overlap on the strips, which isn’t quite as simple as it seems at first but once you’ve worked out the formula it’s not too complicated to write the rest of the code.
I’ve written one but can’t release it I’m affraid!