[Closed] Image Stream from web
I’ve tried to play a little with displaying an image in my form, from web, without downloading it to hard drive.
here is how I download the file:
local webClient = dotnetObject "System.Net.WebClient"
url = "http://shopmd.ml/parse/example/imagine.jpg"
theUri=dotnetObject "System.Uri" url
--newFile = ((getDir #temp) + "//" + ((dotnetclass "System.IO.Path").getfilename theUri.LocalPath))
newFile = ("D:\\" + ((dotnetclass "System.IO.Path").getfilename theUri.LocalPath))
webClient.DownloadFileAsync theUri newFile
Here is a function how to read a webpage
webdata = ""
fn Completed sender arg =
print webdata
fn getWebData sender arg =
wrGETURL = (dotnetclass "System.Net.WebRequest").Create(arg.Argument);
wrGETURL.proxy = (dotnetclass "System.Net.WebProxy").GetDefaultProxy();
response = wrGETURL.GetResponse();
objstream = response.GetResponseStream()
objReader = dotnetobject "System.IO.StreamReader" objStream;
sline = "";
while sline != undefined do
sLine = objReader.ReadLine();
if sLine != undefined then
webdata += sline;
fn GetThePage ip =
local thread = dotnetobject "System.ComponentModel.BackGroundWorker"
dotnet.addeventhandler thread "DoWork" getWebData;
dotNet.addeventhandler thread "RunWorkerCompleted" Completed;
thread.RunWorkerAsync ip;
GetThePage "http://shopmd.ml/parse/example/imagine.jpg"
Here is a function by Lonel Robot:
fn base64str_to_dotnet_image str = -- http://lonerobot.net/
ConvertClass = dotNetClass "System.Convert"
ImageClass = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Image"
byteArr = ConvertClass.FromBase64String str
memstream = dotnetobject "System.IO.MemoryStream" byteArr
DecodedImg = ImageClass.fromstream memstream
memstream.close() ;
DecodedImg --return
)--end fn
Is it possible to convert this image data in a such a way that I could apply it to a form?
I mean
mybtn.image = base64str_to_dotnet_image webdata
frm = dotnetobject "system.windows.forms.form"
btn = dotnetobject "system.windows.forms.button"
frm.controls.add btn
frm.autosizemode = frm.autosizemode.GrowAndShrink
frm.autosize = true
btn.autosize = true
url = @"http://www.relatably.com/m/img/depressed-frog-memes/E5AA3B5AC91160120055967674368_34fb7f79dad.1.4.jpg"
fn getImageFromWeb url = (
request = (dotnetclass "system.net.WebRequest").Create url
response = request.GetResponse()
stream = response.GetResponseStream()
(dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Bitmap").FromStream stream
btn.image = getImageFromWeb url
maybe you can skip entire base64 part?
Thank you, Serejah, it reads usual images but unfortunatelly it does not read captcha.
can you provide any link to that captcha?
i suggest using copy to clipboard for that, but need to check
With years experience,I think WebRequest sometimes cause this problem, that’s why most of time this code works,but sometimes,WebRequest can not get data from a url,so of cause can not work.
Cause this issue may it’s the DNS problem I think,I am not sure,maybe this morning it works due to this reason.
request = (dotnetclass "system.net.WebRequest").Create url