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[Closed] Illegal self referance


Can someone please help me out here.

I have a spline called HandLctrl. It contains 3 custom attributes named -Local, Twist, AutoTwist

I then have 3 bones… for the wrist rig. The 3rd bone is called twistL3. This bone has a float script on the z axis

dependsOn $handLCTRL $lowArmL ;
matParent = inverse $lowArmL.transform ;
matHand = $handLCTRL.transform ;
matResult = matHand * matParent ;
rotQuat = matResult.rotation ;
rotEuler = quatToEuler rotQuat order:3;
twist = rotEuler.z ;
twist = twist * $handLCTRL.Custom_Attributes.autoTwist / 100.0;
twist = twist + $handLCTRL.Custom_Attributes.wristTwist ;
twist = degToRad twist ;

If i click evaluate it gives me the all ok. But then after working for a while i get
>> MAXScript Script Controller Exception: – Runtime error: Illegal self-reference in controller script <<

Then max becomes unstable and crashes after a few more minutes.

What can the problem be ?

1 Reply

OK, let me ask this, can it be caused due to the fact that i cloned the entire left part to the right, and somehow this caused this issue ?