[Closed] If clause help
Hi everybody
I have an if clause problem
IF (selection.count >0) then ( ) else ( messageBox “There is no objects selected, Please select objects and try again”)
now problem:
so come to think having Bend modifier and i need an If clause like this:
1: If there is a bend modifier on selected objects then ( ) and if there is no bend modifier show this message else( )
2: If the specific modifier has no animation show this message else ( )
Thanks in advance
fn getObjsWithoutBend =
objsWithoutBend = #()
objs = selection as array
for i = 1 to objs.count do
bFound = false
for j= 1 to objs[i].modifiers.count do
if ( ( classOf objs[i].modifiers[j] ) == Bend ) then
bFound = true
if ( bFound == false ) then
append objsWithoutBend objs[i]
return objsWithoutBend
I did it this way because its better to not have messageboxes in loops ii my opinion because lets say you have 1000 objects selected and none of them have a Bend modifier, you going to get 1000 messageboxes. instead this returns and array of the objects which dont have a Bend
2 is a little more involved you need to check each of the properties of the bend modifier to have a controller and the keys of that controller ie
if ( selection[1].modifiers.BendAngle.controller != undefined ) then
if ( selection[1].modifiers[1].BendAngle.controller.keys.count > 1 ) then
you can get the properties by
showProperties selection[1].modifiers[1] -- the bend modifier
there is probably a better way but this works
Hope that helps
Thanks to take time to answer
Thanks Dave
I’m a maxscript beginner user. I couldn’t put your first script in my script
The script is : first creat a box with bend and bendangle animation then copy and paste some (put some distance better), select all then run this script
IF (selection.count >0) then
for o in $ do movekeys o.modifiers[#Bend].BendAngle.controller (theoffset +=5)
else -- If there is no object selected
messageBox "There is no objects selected, Please select objects and try again"
I put your if clause it worked in one case.when no bendangle animation that works but when you have 4 boxes and one of them doesn’t have bendangle animation it doesn’t work.
By the way Dave
Can i ask you please go to [ http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/custom-graphic-user-interface-modifier#comment-28227 ] this site to look at ( Custom Graphic User Interface )
I know that creating such things is faraway of my scripting knowledge ,have any idea about where to start it.