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[Closed] ID based skinwrap
Jun 29, 2012 4:06 pm
I am trying to make an object follow the deformation of another exact copy of itself like skinwrap but not based on distance instead on vertex id
I am not sure what to do or even if it is doable.
My try(modified from another script):
plugin simpleMod ID_Deform
classID:#(0x488f34ee, 0x28ce49d3)
local obj = $
parameters main rollout:params
PickedObj type:#node ui:btn1
rollout params "Parameters" width:162 height:142
fn meshTypeObj PickedObj = classof PickedObj == Editable_mesh or classof PickedObj == Editable_poly
pickbutton btn3 "Pick Mesh" pos:[29,34] width:103 height:22 filter:meshTypeObj
on btn1 picked PickedObj do
update obj
fn copypos obj1 obj2 =
--for i =1 to vertnum do
--obj1.verts[1].pos =obj2.verts[1].pos
polyop.setVert obj1.modifiers[1] 1 vpos node:$
on map i p do
if PickedObj != undefined and isValidNode PickedObj do
p=copypos $ PickedObj
4 Replies
Jun 29, 2012 4:06 pm
I want the vertex to get the world position of its copy ,the vertex track the position using the id even if their pivots are not matching its like snapshot on every frame or a cache without a cache