[Closed] I really need som help from a good maxscripter
Hello all
I have a script I´ve been working on and I would love to add a athorization to it it some way.
Right now I have a rollout called Authorization and 2 edittext boxes, one that says Hardware ID and one that says Authorization code. Also, I have 2 buttons, one called Authorize and one called Cancel.
I would like the script to say my Hardware ID in one of the edittext boxes, and depending on that number, a special serial number must be in the other edittext box, then it creates a lic file and every time I run the script it checks to se it that licfile is there or not, if it’s there, it checks to see if the Hardware ID match or not.
How hard is that to do? Can someone, maybe Bobo or so be to my help here?
How hard it is depends on your perspective.
I don’t think maxscript can provide you with enough information in order to create a hardware lock.
What you would probably need to do is implement the hardware lock and serial algorthims within a plugin. Not only will this give you access to a much wider (and lower level) api, but it will also allow you to access additional libraries that have already implemented what you want.
I do recall an activex object that was capable of doing just what you ask and there probably is also dotnet implementation around somewhere. This would allow you to pass through a serial number to the api and get back a response, like a boolean for example, telling you if the code is valid or not. They would also be capable of producing a “request” code that would be used to generate the final license data.
Well, MAXScript does provide access to a unique Hardware Lock ID (until Max R3 it was the dongle’s ID, now it is based on the software license).
The trouble is that the code implementing this should be encrypted so the user cannot see how the license is being interpreted (and this is more trouble than it is worth already), and then the script can be hacked anyway. But it is possible.
EncryptScript() doesn’t provide you with the capacity to protect your script from being seen?
Of course someone with a lot of determination could find a way to know what happens between point a and point b… But it wouldn’t be easy.
Thanks for your replys.
The thing is that I maybe want to sell my script when I am done with it, that´s why I need some kind of authorization. And of cource my script will be encrypted, but I need more protection than that.