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[Closed] I need to modify this maxscript just a bit 😛

Hi people

I have tried to find the author of this maxscript but it seems that there are several ones who contributed and i´m a bit lost. What the script does is to replace the Isolate selected with a custom one that instead of the common checkbox, changes the color of the timeline. Since I work with the timeline hidden, i would like to be able to see that color change on the border of the viewport. I do not know anything about maxscript, but i think that should be something like changing #timesliderbg for something like #viewportborder or whatever.

Anyone could help me?

The script is located at:


6 Replies

Hello Jhotun,

This is pretty straightforward, and I have faith that even you can be a maxscript genius!

open the file macro_IsoSel.mcr from the 3dsmax/7/UI/macroscripts directory.

1- search for the string #timesliderbg and when you find it, copy the entire line and paste it into another new line below.
2- On the new line, replace the text #timesliderbg with #activeViewportBorder

repeat these two steps again and then save the file and hey presto, maxscript genius. It appears twice in the script, once to change it to the isolate colour, and once to change it back to normal.

If you’re worried about making a mistake, copy the file first so you have a back-up. If this doesn’t work I’ll upload it for you.

edit: the border colour doesn’t change until you force a screen redraw. The other option is to change the #repainttimebar on the next line to #repaintall, but this causes an unneccessary time lag. Try it and see!


Hey I’ve been using this now and it’s great compared to the normal isolate selection button etc.
Hope you manage to modify the script ok.

Hi j_man

I was waiting to arrive at home to test it and answer but i want to thank you for taking the time to help me!

For sure it will work great

Thanks a lot!

Finally i found some time to modify the script. I´m not sure it works how it should be I have a green color on the active viewport color, and when i activate the isolation it changes to orange, but when i exit the isolation, the green never returns I did a backup, but for some reason, my timebar is always orange now, and despite i change its color, when I activate the script, it changes to orange…forever

I tried the repaintall, but as you said, there is a lag that kills me.

Well, i can live with an orange bar… while it is hidden


okok, here is the script ;>

at least you gave it a go!


Thanks a lot j_man. I can live with the redraw issue

Cheers bud