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[Closed] I need a max script

You want to replace all instances of 18 with nothing (“”) ?

all i need is this !

i want to disappear this value 18 [size=2]in Excel is not so important 4 me…is important but if is not possible…i prefer to not use them.[/size]

hahahaha. yeah i forget to put quote marks around the 1 – its done now. i edited the code in the online and didn’t test it again. you should have been able to figure that out though.

as with removing the value “18” it is the height (or z – whatever you want to call it) property. simply edit the script to remove it.

edit this line:

 printToFile (_length+","+_width+","+_height+","+_pieces+","+_name)

10 Q guys you`re the most clever mans on the earth !!!

Everything works fine . 10 x for your effort , i appreciate this !

The world would be better with more mans like you . 10x again !

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