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[Closed] How to use dotnet SetCreationTime?

Hi,I want to change a file creation time to curret time,but threw error,below is the code:

File=dotNetClass "System.IO.File"
File.SetCreationTime use_file new_time

– Runtime error: No method found which matched argument list

2 Replies

The second argument of SetCreationTime() is of the type <DateTime>, not string, so you have to create a DateTime object first to pass it to the method.

If you wanted to set it to the current time you could use something like:

 	fileName = @"C:	est.txt"
 	dateTime = (dotnetclass "System.DateTime").Now	-- Current time
 	file = dotnetclass "System.IO.File"
 	file.SetCreationTime fileName dateTime

You can also set it to a different Date-Time with something like:

 	fileName = @"C:	est.txt"
 	year   = 2013
 	month  = 2
 	day	= 1
 	hour   = 15
 	minute = 23
 	second = 12
 	dateTime = dotnetobject "System.DateTime" year month day hour minute second
 	file = dotnetclass "System.IO.File"
 	file.SetCreationTime fileName dateTime


Additionally you may also want to consider looking at SetLastAccessTime() and SetLastWriteTime(). Just in case.

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Thanks too much,just tested,it works like a charm