[Closed] How to stop running MaxScript
Hi to all,
I have run several times into troubles with maxscript. I have been coding some DO … WHILE function and I made a misstake, so the script was running in endless cycle.
Is there a way how to break the execution of the scipt??? ( something like CTR+Break … )
thanx for all answers
the key Esc will stop the maxscript.
press Esc and the listener will print
** interrupted **
failing that,
if you run into situations when esc wont work you can build into your routine a function to look for a file, that you then delete when you want the script to stop. not for production but can help in testing.
A good way to break a while loop is to set it’s test expression to true after a certain amount of time has passed, as in:
local intCount = 100
local s = timestamp()
while (intCount > 0) do
– DoStuff()
– if the loop doesn’t complete its process in 3 seconds, break!
if ((timestamp()) – s) / 1000 > 3 do intCount = 0