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[Closed] How to select vertices of edge

How to select vertices of an edge in Editable mesh and editable poly respectively.

4 Replies



Stright from the User Reference after 2mins of searching…

Thanks for your feedback but I had implemented similarly upto

 vertsSel = meshop.getVertsUsingEdge obj edgeSel 

How do I get the point3 vector position (i.e. transform) for the vertsSel which is a bitarray or vertices.

I am trying to get the vector position of all three vertex in one face of a mesh. So that the vertices can be calculated using vectors.

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For each element of the bitarray that is true, call getVert obj theIndex.

You could also convert the bitarray to array to get just the flagged vertices’ indices.

vertsSel = (meshop.getVertsUsingEdge obj edgeSel) as array
vertsPos = for v in vertsSel collect (getVert obj v)

Now, every element of the vertsPos array will provide the position corresponding to every selected vertex index in vertsSel array.

Cool ! got that part. Thankyou guys.
got into face to verts