[Closed] How to select all the objects in an array?
I know Im going to feel stupid when I see this but for some reason I cannot remember how to select the objects in an array…I have done any scripting for a little while.
This is my script that just selects any objects in the scene that contain the words “top” and “bottom” inside their names.
x = #($top)
y = #($bottom)
print x
for i in x do
append y i
for i in y do print i
The array seems ok but I cant figure out how to select it…
If you want to just select objects with “top” and “bottom” in the name you can just do:
select $top
selectmore $bottom
You don’t need to make an array to do this.
Hi Spencer,
If I understand what you want to do, you can try:
x = #($*top*)
y = #($*bottom*)
for i in x do
append y i
for obj in y do
selectMore obj
–select all obj named: #(Sphere01 ,Sphere02,Sphere03, ect…)
select $Sphere*
select $top*
select $bottom*
Yes that works, thanks a million ypuech!
For some reason I thought there was a really simple way to select all the objects in an array but I have obviously not needed to do it since I didn’t recognise the selectmore command.
MerlinEl, doesn’t that script only select objects with either “top” or “bottom” in the object names. I need a script that selects all objects with either name in…
this is an other example for selecting obj by version.
fn getObjVersion objName =
local v = ""
for i=objName.count to 1 by -1 do
if (objName[i] as integer) != undefined
then v = objName[i]+v
else exit
return v as integer
myObj = for i in $box* where ((getObjVersion i.name) < 10.0 ) collect i
select myObj
Ah yes. I see. Sorry Im still very much a beginner. I always seems to go the long long route round with maxscript…
Thanks very much for everyones help!!