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[Closed] How to script Point-to-Point seem

The pelt mapping feature introduces a new way of selecting, using point-to-point, which is something that could be helpful for many things. I’d like to figure out a possible way to script this kind of behavior.

The connecting line could be drawn with gw polyline. The tricky part that I’m not sure how to do is to have the events get called upon the selection of different vertices. There is a callback for selection but it doesn’t count for sub-object selections. Also I wouldnt know how to make a selected edge thicker and different color. Any ideas?

edit: I think ive got something, ill post back if i have trouble

3 Replies

please also post back if you don’t have trouble

would be interesting to see that done in script

one way to craete your own call backs is to use a timer in a rollout. the rollout could be outside of the monitors ress so it’s not visible to the user.
the timer allows you to run script commands every time the timer ticks the intervals between ticks can pe specified in milli seconds. it can also be enbled and disabled. or yo can just distroy the rollout.

to many of this can get slow, but i’ve mannage to make some preaty nice call backs with it.