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[Closed] How to rename the obj faster use script?

In my scene,there’re three objs, one obj’s name is xx_xx_xxxxx_x0, and i need to rename other two: xx_xx_xxxxx_x0_00 and xx_xx_xxxxx_x0_01 .

Everytime i need to rename other two name manual,so i think maybe it have a shortcut to do it. Like this:

When i select one obj, and click “pickname”, it will be show in the first line, when i select the second obj, and click “rename” ,its name will be change…so as the third…

It have a little difficult for novice, so can you help me?

12 Replies

check uniqueName in MAXScript Help…

With a non maxscript solution, you can go to the menu “Tools” and select “Rename Objects…”

A window named “Rename Objects” will open.
Now, to do what you want, you need to:
[li]Check the option “Base Name” and write the name you want like “xx_xx_xxxxx_x0_”.[/li][li]Check the option “Numbered” Keep basic settings[/li][li]Hit Rename and you are done.[/li][/ol]Won’t be that hard to script it, and the maxscript help documentation about the unique name is a good start, to know how to rename objects. You will need to add your selected objects in an array and pass each of them, one by one in a loop to give the name you want plus a numerical value as suffix.

Wich it can help.

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Thanks for your replay…Myanko.

But i couldn’t just to use it,i want to learn it , so if it have script?

i personally like to use wahooney´s script (or here)
you can rename lots of objects quickly and easy.

hope it helps

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Hi Polimeno…Thanks for you replay.
I have downloaded…it’s a .exe file, and does it have script code when instilled it?
I instilled it on max2009,but it not wok…

GOD…Maybe i was in trouble…

Everyone who can help me ! :curious:

yes, you can see all the functions after install, e.g:

C: hePath\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\Scripts\wahooney\RNAK\
C: hePath\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\ui\macroscripts\Wahooney Tools – RenamingAK.mcr

it´s working good for me (Max 2009 32bits)…click here to see my screen shot.

wtv, I have attached a zip file below with installer, .mcr, .ms…let me know what´s happenig.


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Thanks for your circumspective reply…
I have already instill it , but where i find it in max2009? Or how to show its panel?
When i start the max2009, it’s nothing…

I have no ask much more desire, just to slove my problem like my panel , it’s all…
And now i have a little dizzy…
The maxscritp…not simple!!

menu Customize > Customize User Interface… > Category:Wahooney Tools

then you can assign a hotkey (Keyboard tab) or add to UI (Toolbars, Menus, Quads tab), as you prefer.

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Thank you again…and i’m sorry that i’m not see your pic carefully…

Joined: 11 months ago

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Hi Polimeno
I instilled it and add to UI, when i run it, the error:

[color=red]– Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\UI\MacroScripts\Wahooney Tools – RenamingAK.mcr; position: 2510
>> MAXScript MacroScript Compile – C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\UI\MacroScripts\Wahooney Tools – RenamingAK.mcr, offset 2510; Exception: – Syntax
error: at string, expected “animate”, “undo”, “redraw”, “pivot”, “printAllElements”, “quiet” or “defaultAction”
– In line: GroupBox grpRem “R <<