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[Closed] How to randomly assign material on a specific count of objects ?

Hello everybody.

I search a way to randomly apply some material on some objects.
I have 54 objects and 6 materials (6×9 = 54. I guess you understand )
I want to randomly select object 9 by 9 and apply a material in each time. Of course the objects that already be select and get a material can’t be select again.

All of the objects already have a material on it. I think to freeze the objects i select and test the freeze to avoïd this object be selected again. And when all objects has changed material, unfreeze all.

Someone has an idea to make it ?

Thank you for your help guys

9 Replies

Hi Bruno,

You can use something like this:
for i = 1 to selection.count do selection[i].material = meditMaterials[((i – 1) / 9) + 1]


Oh god.

I think i always learn something in maxscript.
I don’t know the selection[i].

Thanks a lot Light.

Your help is very useful. I tell you if i success

That’s works, that’s works

Thank a lot Light.

Could explain me your line of code. I don’t understand it a lot.
Thank you again

and what if I want to assign randomly to any count of object ??(imagine a crowd clothes colors)

It basically loops through your current selection and assigns materials from 1 to 6. You can see that “((i – 1) / 9) + 1” creates values from 1 to 6 throughout the loop.

for i in selection do i.material = meditMaterials[random 1 24] would do what you need Laurent.


ok I got it by myself, thx!
But how can I specify the material range with a spinner or something?

rollout forege “random material”

label label0d “this tool apply random materials”

label label1d ” from MaterialEditor to selection.”

button un ” RANDOMIZER – 6 materials “
on un pressed do
(for i = 1 to selection.count do selection[i].material = meditMaterials[random 1 6.0]
button deux ” RANDOMIZER – 10 materials “
on deux pressed do
(for i = 1 to selection.count do selection[i].material = meditMaterials[random 1 10.0]

button trois ” RANDOMIZER – 15 materials “
on trois pressed do
(for i = 1 to selection.count do selection[i].material = meditMaterials[random 1 15.0]

createDialog forege width:220 height:130

Or check the RandomMat script available here:

  • Neil


Just add a spinner control like: spinner toVal range:[1,24,6] and then use toVal.value instead of max values like random 1 toVal.value


thx Light.!!