[Closed] How to put tooltip in dotNetControl "System.Windows.Forms.Label"?
How to put tooltip in dotNetControl “System.Windows.Forms.Label”?
rollour testLabel "Test Label"
dotNetControl dNet_Label_selLP "System.Windows.Forms.Label" pos:[2,58] width:38 height:20 text:"test" -- tooltip:"This is test tooltip" ????????
Also, can аnyone tell me how to use dotnet tooltip instead maxsript tooltip on msxscript button?
Thanks and sorry for my bad english.
try(destroydialog rol) catch()
rollout rol "ROL"
local tt = dotnetobject "ToolTip"
dotnetcontrol lb "Label" text:"It's a label"
fn init =
tt.SetToolTip lb "Click Me!"
on rol open do init()
createdialog rol
It’s doable but not easy. Just use .NET button instead of MXS one. You can make its look exactly as MXS button.
Thank you verry mutch, DenisT.
Can you tell me whether dotnet tooltip may look like this, with formated text and icons?
the examples those you shown are WPF ToolTip controls. .NET Forms ToolTip control doesn’t support these features. If you like to have the features go with WPF.
You can override the tooltip class to paint a custom tooltip ‘by hand’ using GDI+. It’s a bit of a pain to to do but you can add images and styling this way. It’s not as nice as the WPF stuff, and I wouldn’t attempt it via MXS!