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[Closed] How to make layer "Active"

This command makes the layer of variable “k” visible. I’d like to know the command which make the layer also active.

(LayerManager.getLayer k).on=true

Thanks a lot.

5 Replies
(LayerManager.getLayer k).current = true


AnimLayerManager.setLayerActive k

Thank you Io, your first code works correctly.

There is also a code to change a Layer Color? Near the layer name there’s a little color square.

Thank you very much!

LayerManager.Current.wireColor = red

You know, you could just check the help file, that’s what I’m doing to answer your questions.

Ah well… thank you and sorry. I’m not a scripter, I just write my scripts copying and pasting from the listener, but for layer management there’s no listener output.

Anyway you’re right.

Thanks again man.


No problem at all, just thought it would be easier for you.