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[Closed] How to greate a Multi/Sub-object

How to greate a Multi/Sub-object in 24 slot and this Multi/Sub-object have 1-3 id

their color is random

Thank you!!

3 Replies

this might work…

for i in 1 to 24 do -- loop through 1 to 24
 the_mat = multimaterial numsubs:3 -- create a variable that will hold the new multimaterial with 3 submaterials
 meditmaterials[i] = the_mat -- set it to a slot in the material editor
 for i in 1 to 3 do -- loop through 1 to 3 (submaterials)
  the_mat.materialList[i].diffuse = random black white -- set each submaterials diffuse to a random color

hope this helps!

Thank you galagast very much.

but this Multi/Sub-object is twenty-fouth slot

it isn’t loop.

I hope you can help me to write it.

oh! sori my mistake, i thought you were after all the material slots…

you only need slot 24?

the_mat = multimaterial numsubs:3 -- create a variable that will hold the new multimaterial with 3 submaterials
 meditmaterials[24] = the_mat -- set it to a slot in the material editor
 for i in 1 to 3 do -- loop through 1 to 3 (submaterials)
  the_mat.materialList[i].diffuse = random black white -- set each submaterials diffuse to a random color

i just replaced the highlighted text from:

hope this helps