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[Closed] How to get the coordinates of the window frame ?

How to get the coordinates of the current window frame ?
And the creating of “Rectangle” on the coordinates.

Requests master help to answer, thanks ~

6 Replies

-- creates a rectangle around current orthographic viewport
 TM =viewport.getTM()
 p = mapScreenToView [0,0] 0.0
 rWidth = abs(2 * p[1])
 rLength = abs(2 * p[2])
 r = rectangle pos:[0,0,0] width:rWidth length:rLength corner_radius:(rWidth/10.0)
 r.transform = inverse TM


Thank you ~ Decon
How to get the coordinates of the currew frame of “camera” and “Perspective” ?
Requests master help to answer, thanks ~

where do you want it in space (or how big) ?

-- creates a rectangle around current  viewport
 TM = getViewTM()
 viewPt = TM.row4
 p = mapScreenToView [0,0] viewPt.z
 rWidth = abs(2 * p[1])
 rLength = abs(2 * p[2])
 r = rectangle pos:[0,0,0] width:rWidth length:rLength corner_radius:(rWidth/10.0)
 r.transform = inverse TM
 r.pos = [0,0,viewPt.z] * r.transform

one solution, dont ask more …

Thank you ~ Decon ~

I know how to creates the rectangle.
I have made a exercises.
Records the coordinate,
And uses “viewport.setTM <matrix3>” restore viewport coordinates,
But why “Top” , “Front” and so on,
the 2D viewport can not restore it?

Requests master help to answer, thanks ~

TM = getViewTM()
viewport.setTM  TM

well, at View menu, there is Save Active View option. Maybe you could use that . With script it might start up something like this:

-- First get current viewport values
  --Returns the active view size as point2 in pixels
  vSize = getViewSize()
  -- gives construction plane world coords at viewport corners
  p1 = mapScreenToCP [0,0]
  p2 = mapScreenToCP vSize
  -- scale factor
  ssf = getScreenScaleFactor [0,0,0]
  vWidth = abs((p2-p1).x)
  vHeight = abs((p2-p1).y)
-- move and/or zoom the viewport ....
-- after that, restore earlier values
-- first the zoom:
  ssf_new = getScreenScaleFactor [0,0,0]
  zoomFactor = ssf / ssf_new
  viewport.zoom zoomFactor
-- then other transforms:
  p1_new = mapScreenToCP [0,0]
  xVal = (p1_new - p1).x
  yVal = (p1_new - p1).y
  xVal = xVal / vWidth * vSize.x
  yVal = -yVal / vHeight * vSize.y
  viewport.pan  xVal yVal

hope that gives some ideas

Thanks for your answers, it’s good for me.