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[Closed] How to get all the texture name of DirectX shader

I want to get all the textures name of the directX shader using maxscript.

I donot know how to get it .

Can anyone help?

I find it’s much more hard to use maxscript than maya mel !!!

7 Replies

Hi brow

Do you mean the name of the file in the “Base texture” field?

select an object with the directX shader on it and run

$.material.tex0 will return the texture path and name
$ will return the material name
$.material.effectfile will return the .fx file used by the DX shader

you can use also

show $.material

.effectfile : filename
.technique : integer
.renderEnabled (Force_Software_Render) : boolean
.renderMaterial : material
.Tex0 : bitmap
.LightDir : integer
.GlowColor : fRGBA color
.GlowAmbient : fRGBA color
.GlowThickness : float
.effectFilename : filename
.softwareBitmap : bitmap

the show command will list you all the properties !

As you said you´re comming from MEL Script , theres a nice article about the diferences between MaxScript and MEL in the Bobo´s home page.

hope it helps

Oh, the fun i’ve had with converting dx materials…

material_count = meditMaterials[1].materialList.count
for n = 1 to material_count do
old_name2 = (getProperty meditMaterials[1].materiallist[n] #renderMaterial)
old_name = old_name2.diffusemap.filename
print old_name

this should work

first, Thank you for the quick reply!!!

I still cannot get directX Shader ‘s texture name use $.material.tex0

errot message is

– Unknown property: “tex2” in CarDirectX_9_Shader

the .fx shader is written by our programmer

it contains light Direction, Ambient… then the texture map channel

feel so upset !!!

If I want to get all the texture name in current scene, will it be easy?

Please help, Thank you


CarDirectX_9_Shader ???

is this a plugin shader ?
The .tex0 property is exclusive for DirectXShaders.
I don´t think it´s a native shader that comes with 3dMax.

using the ” show $.material ” with this shader on the selected object , what do you get in the listener?


If you want to get all the bitmaps filename used in a DirectX Shader, you can try :

-- Loop over scene materials
  for mtl in sceneMaterials do
    -- DxMaterial?
    if(Classof mtl == DirectX_9_Shader) do
  	-- Get used bitmap(s) in the effect
  	for i = 1 to mtl.numberofbitmaps() do
  	  bmp = mtl.geteffectbitmap i
  	  BmpFileName = bmp.filename

This code only works with DirectX 9 Shader material that ships with 3ds Max. Otherwise, getProperty() that access parameter block can be handy if your material is a C++ plugin or a scripted material that extends DirectX 9 Shader material.

EDIT: Also, I’ve written an article about Using DirectX Shadersin 3ds Max.

Thank you guys for the help!!!

I can get it use .TEXTURE0

because the .fx file define the texture map as TEXTURE0…