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[Closed] How to get Max version number?


Any one know? I thought this would be easy to find? I need to determine if the version is older then Max 8.

3 Replies

You’re right…not easy to find. I’ve forgotten this one before too.

#(5100, 11, 0)

…not positive since i’m def. no scripter but a quick search came up with :


[left]integers like #(3000, 6, 0) with 3ds Max release number, max API number, revision number of the SDK.


[left]3000 means version 3… 8000 means 8… 9000 means max 9 from what I can tell.

[left]Hope it helps!



You have no idea how long I looked for Max Version or Max Release and found nothing. Didn’t think if taking the space out of it:S Thanks guys.