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[Closed] How to faster?

This is my test.(i get from here)
spend time: 45.185
It’s too slow, is there other way to faster?

obj = convertToMesh (teapot segments:16)

fn FindSamePosVert obj tolerance:0.001 = 
 vList = #{}
 theMesh = snapshotAsMesh obj
 vCount = theMesh.numVerts
 vList.count = vCount
 t = timestamp()
 progressStart ""
 for v in 1 to vCount-1 do
  if not vList[v] then
   pv = getVert theMesh v
   for n in v+1 to vCount do
	pn = getVert theMesh n
	if distance pv pn < tolerance then
	 vList[n] = true
	 vList[v] = true
  progressUpdate (v*100.0/vCount-1)
 print ((timestamp() - t)/1000.0)
 delete theMesh
FindSamePosVert obj

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