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[Closed] How to enumerate controls in [Common] page in Render Scene Dialog?

I tried DialogMonitorOPS and UIAccessor.

fn print_allctrl hwnd = (
  -- [Common] page is not in the array
  local h_array = UIAccessor.GetChildWindows(hWnd)
  if (h_array != unefined) then (
    format "===Control Count: [%]===
" (h_array.count)
    for v=1 to h_array.count do (
      local txt = (UIAccessor.GetWindowText(h_array[v]))
      local cls = (UIAccessor.GetWindowClassName h_array[v])
      format "Control: [%] [%]
" cls txt

fn print_rsdlg = (
  local rs_dlg = "Render Setup:*"
  local h = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
  local title = UIAccessor.GetWindowText(h)
  format "Window Opened: [%]
" title

  if title != undefined and (matchPattern title pattern:rs_dlg) then (
    print_allctrl h


DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification print_rsdlg id:#rsdlg
DialogMonitorOPS.enabled = true

When I execute the script and open RenderSceneDialog, I can’t find [Common] page.
How to enumerate controls in [Common] page ?


4 Replies

DialogMonitorOps is not very necessary here because it’s not a modal dialog. I try not to use it unless absolutely necessary, it’s a bit buggy.

I recommend you use WindowShopper to see the exact structure of the UI. Here’s a preview:

Thank you. I will try it.

It works. Using windows.getChildrenHwnd can get the [Common] page, but UIAccessor.GetChildWindows can’t.
Thanks again.


This is because windows.getChildrenHwnd is recursive while uiaccessor is not. You can see from the image there are many levels between the main window and the common dialog