[Closed] How to embed a font in mxs?
I need simpliest solution (ie example) for embeding custom font (True Type or Open Type)
without install it and use after as default font for dotnet label control inside mxs rollout.
I saw an example in which Pete (lonerobot) use functions for converting images to Base64 string
but is it possible to perform the same with a font?
Second request:
How to writte these code as mxs (not compiling)
public static LoadedFont LoadFont(FileInfo file, int fontSize, FontStyle fontStyle)
var fontCollection = new PrivateFontCollection();
if (fontCollection.Families.Length < 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No font familiy found when loading font");
var loadedFont = new LoadedFont();
loadedFont.FontFamily = fontCollection.Families[0];
loadedFont.Font = new Font(loadedFont.FontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
return loadedFont;
public struct LoadedFont
public Font Font { get; set; }
public FontFamily FontFamily { get; set; }
Thanks in advance
Anyone? Ok then.
The reason why i need this is that some system fonts have very nice simbol collections
which can be used as icons for buttons or labels.
But I would not like to install these fonts on another PC.
I don’t know about including fonts, but this is something that I have used to imbed bitmaps in MS, which I have used for icons etc…
It is not pretty, or nice, but it sure gets the job done.
bit1 = openbitmap "C:\myimage.bmp"
fn bitToStr bit1 =
bitArr = #()
for g in 0 to (bit1.height - 1) do
p = getPixels bit1 [0, g] bit1.width
append bitArr p
(bitArr as string)
fn strToBit str =
bitArr = execute str
bit1 = bitmap bitArr[1].count bitArr.Count
for q in 0 to bitArr.count - 1 do
setpixels bit1 [0, q] bitArr[q + 1]
str = bitToStr bit1
print str
bit2 = strToBit str
display bit2
The first chunk will turn your bitmap into a string, and the second bit will turn it back
Nice approach. Thanks Aaron for reply.
You are talking abouth bitmap but i was thinkig about
embeding font as vector icon not raster.
Probably you have seen fonts such as for example
system fonts “Webdings” and “Wingdings”.
Do you have solution for this?
fontCollection = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Text.PrivateFontCollection"
fontCollection.AddFontFile <the_TTF_font_filename>
fontFamily = fontCollection.Families[1]
font = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Font" fontFamily 12 (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").Regular (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit").Pixel