[Closed] How to do this?
I am trying ot write a script for unhiding and unfreezing all the objects including layers
my code is like this
It should basically select every object including helpers, shapes, geometry …
Here I am trying on simple boxes
for o in selection where not(o.layer.on) and (o.layer.unfreeze ) do o.layer.on = true
select $box*
unhide selection dolayer:true
unfreeze selection dolayer:true
This is working fine but I have to run the same code for 3 times to get what I desire
anything wrong with this code???
Thanks in advance
U.S.S. Speed approach is correct, but I might also add
unfreeze o doLayer:true
as well, just to be sure.
The reason, I think, your original code is having problems is the fact that you are only look at layers that are off and unfrozen, which may be limiting your results…
I’ve just check this :
Everything = ($objects) as array
for o in Everything do
unhide o doLayer:True
unfreeze o
And it appears to work fine.
Little note, I learned the hard way to not use “select” in a maxscript. Maybe I was doing it wrong, but it always slowed my script to hell when it was called too often.
just to add a bit more to what has already been said:
i think the simplest and fastest way would take only 2 lines
unfreeze objects doLayer:true
unHide objects doLayer:true
if you also want to select everything, use
select objects