[Closed] How to destroy a rollout in a dockable window
Dear forum:
I created one rollout and add it to a dialog. Then I registered the dialog and make it docked to left. That is good. But I fount out that I can not run my script twice. Because it can not destroy the existing rollout, it shows the rollout twice there. I did add codes to destroy it but it must be failed. Here are my codes:
try(cui.UnRegisterDialogBar my_toolbar) catch()
DestroyDialog my_toolbar
removeRollout my_toolbar
createDialog my_toolbar 30 120
cui.RegisterDialogBar my_toolbar
cui.DockDialogBar my_toolbar #cui_dock_left
Here, my_toolbar is a rollout.
Please help me!
Thanks a lot!
The destruction code MUST be before any re-definition of the dialog’s rollout. Otherwise, a NEW instance of the rollout will be created in memory and the destruction code will not be able to “see” the old rollout.
global my_toolbar --declare as global to be able to access it later
try(cui.UnRegisterDialogBar my_toolbar) catch() --try to undock
try(DestroyDialog my_toolbar)catch() --try to destroy
rollout my_toolbar "Toolbar" --now define the rollout
label lbl_01 "Testing"
--if the destruction code were here, it would "see" the new rollout and not the docked one
createDialog my_toolbar 30 120 --and create the dialog
cui.RegisterDialogBar my_toolbar --register as dialog bar
cui.DockDialogBar my_toolbar #cui_dock_left --and dock left
In fact, my codes define the rollout before destroy it. It goes like:
- rollout My_toolbar (…)
- define my ShowToolbar function, which contains codes:
a. unregister and destroy my_toolbar
b. creat new and register
But it does not work. After adding codes ‘global my_toolbar’ at the beginning of ShowToolbar function, it works.
Thanks a lot!