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[Closed] How to delay in 3dsmax script
May 10, 2021 9:04 am
I am biggner with max script.
and also my english is not good.
I wish find out solution from someone.
I want to find object to assigne to some of material that i know name.
so i make this script.
It work good.
but state message text (— Seaching —) is very fast gone allmost same time when i push the button and run this script.
so i want to little delay before (separateLabel02.text = “— Nothing —”) this line.
how do i do?
please help me.
on SearchMatBT pressed do
a = #()
local FindItemNameArr = SearchMatTex.text –The material names i want to find.
separateLabel02.text = "--- Seaching ---"
for n in geometry do
if classof n.mat == Multimaterial then
for m in n.mat do
if m != undefined do
for f in FindItemNameArr do
if findstrFn f do append a n
if n.mat != undefined do
for f in FinditemArr do
if findstrFn f do append a n
if a.count == 0 then
separateLabel02.text = "--- Nothing ---"
separateLabel02.text = "--- Selected ---"
select a
3 Replies
May 10, 2021 9:04 am
just check how long it takes to complete and sleep the rest of the time
local t1 = timeStamp()
... do some work here
diff = timeStamp() - t1
if diff < 200 then -- completed faster than 200ms
time_to_sleep = (200 - diff) / 1000.0 -- ms to sec
sleep time_to_sleep
May 10, 2021 9:04 am
wow very thank you.
it’s perfectly that i want to do and it work.
thank you ^^