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[Closed] How to crete a box along an edge ?


Basically, I would like to place a box along one edge of a mesh.
I have tried different ways with no luck
i can get the position, by using the vertices,
but can’t align the rotation …

Could anyone help me out ?
thanks in advance.

3 Replies
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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Every node has a .DIR property which is coincident with its positive Z axis.
So you can place the box at the first vertex and set the .DIR property to the vector defined by the second vertex minus the first vertex. Voila!

Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

  fn createBox v1 v2 theName =
  	b = box width:1 length:1 height:(distance v1 v2) name:("Edge_"+theName)
  	b.dir = v2 - v1
  	b.pos = v1
  fn createEdgeBoxes theObj = 
  theMesh = snapshotasmesh theObj
  edgesDone = #()
  for f = 1 to theMesh.numfaces do
  	theFace = getFace theMesh f
  	theVert1 = getVert theMesh theFace.x
  	theVert2 = getVert theMesh theFace.y
  	theVert3 = getVert theMesh theFace.z
 	if (getEdgeVis theMesh f 1) AND findItem edgesDone (theFace.x as string + "_" + theFace.y as string) == 0 do
  		createBox theVert1 theVert2 (theFace.x as string + "_" + theFace.y as string)
  		append edgesDone (theFace.x as string + "_" + theFace.y as string)
  		append edgesDone (theFace.y as string + "_" + theFace.x as string)
 	if (getEdgeVis theMesh f 2) AND findItem edgesDone (theFace.y as string + "_" + theFace.z as string) == 0 do
  		createBox theVert2 theVert3 (theFace.y as string + "_" + theFace.z as string)
  		append edgesDone (theFace.y as string + "_" + theFace.z as string)
  		append edgesDone (theFace.z as string + "_" + theFace.y as string)
 	if (getEdgeVis theMesh f 3) AND findItem edgesDone (theFace.x as string + "_" + theFace.z as string)== 0 do
  		createBox theVert1 theVert3  (theFace.x as string + "_" + theFace.z as string)
  		append edgesDone (theFace.x as string + "_" + theFace.z as string)
  		append edgesDone (theFace.z as string + "_" + theFace.x as string)
  )--end f loop
)--end script
  for o in selection where superclassof o == GeometryClass and classof o != TargetObject do createEdgeBoxes o
  )--end script

That’s bobo ! you made my day,

This .DIR properties, i didn’t know of !
That will be really usefull !
Thanks a million time