[Closed] How to check if there is animation on an object?
Hi gays!
Is there an easy way to check if there is any animation on the object (scale, position, rotation)?
I saw it, but for some reason it doesn’t work for me.
Of course I will try again, maybe I missed something
because there was some typo
this should be ok for your needs
local aCurrentSelection = getCurrentSelection()
for itemNode in aCurrentSelection do
local aControllers = #(itemNode.position.controller,itemNode.rotation.controller,itemNode.scale.controller)
for itemController in aControllers do
for itemKey in itemController.keys do
format "Name: % Key : % Time : % \n" itemNode.name itemKey itemKey.Time
i just fixed and added name property in the format so credits to Nysuatro in the previous post
Yes, it works now, thanks a lot!
One more question, along the way,
how can i remove all animation from an object?
I tried using
for o in selection do deletekeys o #allkeys
But when keys are removed,somtimes objects move (rotate)
if you don’t care about modifiers, names or handles you can use this
for o in selection do snapshot o ; delete selection
this will copy the objects without keyframes in the current state
macros.run “Animation Tools” “DeleteSelectedAnimation”
Select object/s -> Alt + RMB click -> Delete Selected Animation
I tried this
Sometimes everything is ok
Sometimes objects change position when deleted.
it looks like the objects are in the middle of the animation,
which was deleted
the question is not precisely posed, and therefore it is difficult to answer it …
The point is, what counts as an animated controller … for example, is the script controller animated?
or for example an orientation constraint … it may not have keys, but is driven by an animated target
Second question: what do we want to do with this “possibly animated object”?
I tried this
Sometimes everything is ok
Sometimes objects change position when deleted.
it looks like the objects are in the middle of the animation,
which was deleted