[Closed] How to Install Encrypted Script?
Apologies for the extreme noob question, i have completely forgot how i did this in 14, and know i just use 2012.
I have a number of .mse scripts but i they aren’t showing up like they did in 2014 in my customize window. I believe i was able to drag and drop them onto a toolbar in 2014, but i can’t seem to achieve this in 2012.
obviously you can’t drop them into your editor like i do with .ms scripts. Putting them in Startup folder, Scripts folder don’t seem to work either. Maybe i missed somethign, just wanted to get proper answer thanks
Drag them to a viewport, or use MaxScript -> Run Script from the main menu.
Do i have to do that every time though?
In 2014 i somehow got them to toolbars, and for the life of me I can’t remember how i did it.
its ok if i have to,
but if so, is there maybe a script or plugin that allows me to organize them? Thanks for your help
Depends… usually it’s a macroscript, which after running once you can install to your toolbar from the customize interface section.
the only ones i having a problem with are .mse
i dont think those are macro scripts though
They have to be macroscripts otherwise they would’nt show up in your UI config dialog
The Macroscript part can be created inside a standard maxscript ( *.ms ) too and registered, but that generates a macroscript file (named according to the given catgeory/toolname ) then in the macrsocripts folder
If this rockgenerator is only an encrypted .ms without the macroscript generating part, you would have to run it each time you use it. Alternatively you can create the macroscript part yourself, which simply does a filein of that rockgenerator .mse eg:
macroScript Rockgenerator category:“Meaningfull Category” toolTip:“Meaningfull description”
filein <Path/encryptedRockgenrator.mse>
Thanks spacefrog,
i couldn’t get your code to work, but i opened some other .mcr files and filled in what i wanted and it worked perfectly. so much easier!
I hope this helps some other non-programmer like me.
I couldn’t get the example above to work either but this did:
macroScript MulitSlicer
category:“Something Meaningful”
local sFile = (GetDir #scripts) + “/HandyTip.mse”
if (doesFileExist sFile) then (fileIn sFile)
else (messageBox “Unable to locate the script.”)
I just Frankensteined it from another script I opened.