[Closed] How to Add Remove objects for SelectionSet
im Trying to figure out how to Add/Remove Objects for a SelectionSet ,
i found this post
but i cant make it work
there is two ways that they try to make it
oldStuff = selection –store current selection if necessary
myStuff = selectionsSets
selectMore myStuff
selectionsSets = selection
select oldStuff –if necessary
selectionsets = join (for n in selectionsets collect n) thenodes
lets say i have a selectionSet called Characters and i want to Add Teapot001 to the SelectionSet – how would i do that .
selectionSets[#Characters] = ((for o in selectionSets[#Characters] collect o) + #($Teapot001))
selectionSets[#Characters] = deleteItem (for o in selectionSets[#Characters] collect o) (findItem (for o in selectionSets[#Characters] collect o) $Teapot001)
if need more efficiency , use bwlow
nodearray = for o in selectionSets[#Characters] collect o
selectionSets[#Characters] = deleteItem nodearray (findItem nodearray $Teapot001)
i already showed the ‘nice’ selection set routine methods on this forum but can do it again:
-- all selection sets as array:
sets = join #() selectionsets
-- all nodes in selection set by name:
nodes = join #() selectionsets[#a]
-- all nodes in selection set by index:
nodes = join #() selectionsets[1]
-- add <nodes> (or node collection) to selection set
selectionsets[#a] = join (join #() selectionsets[#a]) <nodes>
-- remove <node> from selection set:
selectionsets[#a] = for n in selectionsets[#a] where n != <node> collect n