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[Closed] How get the script of the function "Remove Isolated Vertices" in max2009?

Hi guys.

How get the script of the function “Remove Isolated Vertices” in max2009?


2 Replies

Something like this will do it for you:

 macroScript ClearIsoVerts
  category:"Craft Tools"
  toolTip:"Clear Isolated Vertices"
  	 objArr = selection as array
  	 for i in 1 to objArr.count do (
  		  case (classof objArr[i]) of (
  				Editable_mesh: meshop.deleteIsoVertsl objArr[i].baseobject
  				Editable_poly: objArr[i].EditablePoly.DeleteIsoVerts()
  				PolyMesh: objArr[i].EditablePoly.DeleteIsoVerts()
  				default: messageBox "Please Select an Editable Poly or Mesh Object."

This requires an Editable Mesh/poly object, it is not designed to work with the Edit modifiers.


Hehe,thank you very much …Eric!