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[Closed] How do you make CA's GUI controls' controllers to stay?

Hi everyone,

I’ve been puzzling myself over this issue and I seem to be lost for now.

I’m adding a CA def on a standard Empty Attribute holder and I’m using simple UI controls (sliders, spinners) on it, however, when I define the UI and I assign a controller to the UI’s control’s controller, as soon as I deselect the object with the CA DEF on, the controller link gets lost.

I have no friggin idea why that is and how to avoid it. But creating a UI control with a default controller fails, so, I really don’t know.

Here’s the simple CA DEF:

def = attributes "Body"
	parameters main rollout:params
		bodyScale type:#float ui:sldrHBS default:1.0
	rollout params "Hanuman Controls"
		group "Hanuman Scale"
			-- BODY --
			slider sldrHBS "Body Scale" range:[1.0,10.0,1.0] type:#float ticks:10 width:97 orient:#horizontal align:#left across:2
			spinner spnHBS range:[1.0,10.0,1.0] type:#float scale:.1 fieldWidth:35 align:#right offset:[0,25]

Now, as soon as the CA DEF is created and added to the empty Attribute Holder modifier, I assign the slider and the spinner the same controller, so that they’re linked together:

$obj.modifiers[1].Body.params.sldrHBS.controller = <some controller on another object>
$obj.modifiers[1].Body.params.spnHBS.controller = $obj.modifiers[1].Body.params.sldrHBS.controller

Everything works just fine, until I deselect the object the CA def is stored on. Then, suddently, all the links among the controllers dissappear.

I’ve searched web, obviously the documentation, but I haven’t found a solution to this issue. It almost seems like a bug in 3ds Max.

By the way, I’m on 3ds Max 2009 x64, if it makes any difference.

Thanks a lot in advance, cheers,

  • Lukas
1 Reply

Oks, got it working.

In case anybody bumped into the same issue, all I had to do was to assign a default controller to the slider, spinner etc… and then instantiate that controller elsewhere.

So, in my case, I changed the CA DEF to:

def = attributes "Body"
	parameters main rollout:params
		bodyScale type:#float ui:sldrHBS default:1.0
	rollout params "Hanuman Controls"
		group "Hanuman Scale"
			-- BODY --
			slider sldrHBS "Body Scale" range:[1.0,10.0,1.0] type:#float ticks:10 width:97 orient:#horizontal align:#left across:2 controller:(Bezier_Float())
			spinner spnHBS range:[1.0,10.0,1.0] type:#float scale:.1 fieldWidth:35 align:#right offset:[0,25] controller:this.params.sldrHBS.controller

Then I accessed the controller via:


Which I can then instantiate onto other objects I needed to control.

What a pain. But at least it works.