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[Closed] How do I create a menu in my custom UI(MaxScript)

Personally, unless you are hell bent on creating plugins, I’d lean towards Python to start with. It will make you far more productive in the shorter term…then when you have a hang on that look into C++…

But it depends on what you want to do



Shane, I would love to see to some kind of quickstart tutorial on how to get started with python… I know there’s a lot of material out there and various python distributions… I would love to see an overview of which packages to install where and maybe a simple example to show how to use and run py in max and for general file purposes. But an example more tailermade to a 3d/max environment would definetly get me started. I use py in motionbuilder, but that’s a closed environment with py included. Syntax is not the problem, more the where and how to find the right classes and some best practices.

I don’t know if you would be interested in writing such a primer… but I would be very interested, or if you know of such a primer please post it… any recommendations would be welcome… maybe post it in the offical py thread!?

Ramble ramble,

Mate, if I knew python I would love to! I’ve been playing around with Java and max interaction, and based on some of the ideas from the Python/Max thread, I’ve had some good success…still only pie in the sky stuff, but have proven it can be done.

The best thing to do is to shoot over to the python/max sticky and start asking questions

Check out the plugin that one of the studios (blur I think) put up, as I think it will give you greater access into phython from within maxscript, simular to the dotnet interfacing as I understand it.

But yeah, lots of packages to chose from…

Maybe we should both have a go at it and see where it takes us!!



Of to the py thread then! I would love make an commitment and built some sort off document along the way, but I’m pretty busy with my dayjob and my “freetime” is also very limited these days… Maybe a cgwiki document or something… I’ll put up these questions on the py thread.


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