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[Closed] How do I check if the Angle Snap is active ?

It’s all in the title. I don’t find the command 🙁
I try to rotate UV clusters with rotateSelectedCenter command, but if the angle snap is active, the rotation is wrong. For example, an angle of 36,544° will be 35°

4 Replies

I’m not 100% sure this is what you are after, but it might help [left]Lets you get and set a Boolean value defining the Snap toggle state – on (true) or off (false). See Status Bar Buttons.
[left]Lets you get and set a Name value defining whether 2D (#2D), 2.5D (#2_5D), or 3D (#3D) is the current snap type. See Status Bar Buttons.


mmh nope. It works only for Snaps Toggle button and not for the Angle Snap Toggle. I guess people have to be careful and uncheck the angle snap before using my script.
Thanks anyway.

Well I know there is Angle Snap toggle:

max angle snap toggle

but that probably doesn’t do you a whole lot of good since that’ll only toggle it from what it currently is.

May I ask what maxscript command would act differently with anglesnap enable?

Yeah you don’t know which state is the angle snap with max angle snap toggle

In my case, it’s the unwrap_uvw.rotateSelectedCenter command which uses the angle snap