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[Closed] How can use a function name as object name?
Mar 18, 2008 3:47 am
I would like to use that function name (popo) as the object name.
But It was “undefined”
How do I modify the function below?
fn CreateConObject ConOBJ OBJRadius =
local conObject = ConOBJ
conObject = Circle radius:OBJRadius pos:[0,0,0] = ConOBJ as string
convertToSplineShape conObject
conObject_copy = copy conObject
rotate ConObject_copy (angleaxis 90 [0,1,0])
addAndWeld conObject ConObject_copy 100
conObject.render_displayRenderMesh = true
conObject.render_thickness = 1.5
CreateConObject popo 10
1 Reply
Mar 18, 2008 3:47 am
Maxscript thinks (correctly) that the name “popo” is a variable…but because the variable is has not yet been initalised, it is, correctly, been interrupted as undefined…
CreateConObject popo 10
is where you are making your mistake, it should read
CreateConObject "popo" 10