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[Closed] How can i convert array of empty nodes to a string

Hi guys, I have a large list of names, but unfortunately they are not made in the form of macscript strings, so this is just a list of nodes separated by commas. How can I convert them to a string so that I can use them as a names? such script doesn’t work, it converts the word “Undefinged” as a string

namesArr = #(Starhog,Goldodo,Sloweleon,Sloweleon,Demapi,Fieringale,Rockigator,Cobryss,Doomray,Chimpanzius,Toareon,Octotone,Termette,Groroach,Dewutor,Chartopus,Kangaphy,Chimedine,Huntaby,Demapi,Kyneen,Leopow,Buffairy,Mosqeler,Beamite,Wolvepix,Salareon,Buffairy,Leopow,Iroguin) namesArr[2] as string

2 Replies

namesStrArr = for n i namesArr collect n as string

do it like this

names = filterString "Starhog,Goldodo,Sloweleon,Sloweleon,Demapi,Fieringale,Rockigator,Cobryss,Doomray,Chimpanzius,Toareon,Octotone,Termette,Groroach,Dewutor,Chartopus,Kangaphy,Chimedine,Huntaby,Demapi,Kyneen,Leopow,Buffairy,Mosqeler,Beamite,Wolvepix,Salareon,Buffairy,Leopow,Iroguin" ","