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[Closed] Hide Layers


How to hide all the layers through Max-Scripting…


6 Replies

for x=0 to LayerManager.count-1 do (LayerManager.getLayer x).on=true

Keep in mind that layer indices are 0 based, which is why you have to start with 0 when walking through the layer numbers

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Should that be “.on = false”??? I know, it’s nit picky


Yes… well… er, um… in the Latin Vulgate “.true” and “.false” had very close lexiconic correlations, to the point of almost being used interchangably. It really wasn’t until the 4th or 5th centry AD that the distinct polarity of the two terms really… Oh, heck. <sigh> Yeah, should’a been a “false” there. Good catch

It’s one of those things, that, if I was trying to debug it, it would have taken 3-4 hours to figure out

Besides, no one asked the layer if it wanted to be true or false anyway, it might like to stay indecisive and keep us guessing



