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[Closed] Hide/Unhide named selection set


I need your help !!!

I need to select a named selection set and hide or unhide it.
And I have no idea how to do this…

Best regards.

2 Replies
2 Replies
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Create some spheres.
Select them and create a Named Selection Set with the name “Spheres”


hide selectionSets[#Spheres] --hides the objects in the NSS
unhide selectionSets[#Spheres] --unhides them
select selectionSets[#Spheres] --selects them

In short, you can use a NSS as if it were a regular object set or array of nodes.

You can easily create selection sets via MAXScript by assigning one object or a collection of objects to a set:

selectionSets[#OneSphere]= $Sphere01 --creates a NSS "OneSphere" containing Sphere01

selectionSets[#WhateverIsSelected]= selection as array --creates a NSS from the current selection
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Thanks Bobo… You’re the best

Best regards…